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Illustration of people crowded around making on-brand content

How to turn all your colleagues into brand designers in just 8.6 minutes

We know that brand consistency matters. It’s how people identity your brand and what it stands for. By meeting your brand values again and again, you’ll gain trust and loyalty.

You’ve likely invested time and money into crafting a strong brand that reflects who you are and how you want customers to feel. So, it’s only right that this brand should be used consistently and correctly to get the right emotions with your audience.

Your organisation might have a design team who helps you to elevate your brand through outstanding artwork. But what about those lower-level, ad-hoc requests that your designers don’t have time for? We’re talking social media posts, event posters and emails. They’re often not seen as significant enough to give to a designer, but they still put your brand into the public sphere.

They’re usually left to internal teams who might create the highest quality output. It makes you wish you could bottle up the skill of your brand designers and give it to everyone.

With RightMarket, you can. We make it easy for anybody, regardless of their job title or skill level, to create on-brand designs. Plus, it takes as little as 8.6 minutes on average.

Find out how…

A platform that embodies your brand guidelines

RightMarket is a custom platform, tailored to your brand.

Every template we build completely embodies your brand guidelines. We make sure the right logo is used in the right place, with the right colours and fonts.

By building your brand into the templates, there’s no risk of anyone going wrong. You don’t have to spend time educating or correcting people. Their work is instantly on-brand – and over time, they’ll learn your brand guidelines better.

Pre-built, easy to use templates

We’ve already mentioned that our templates are on-brand. But they’re also easy to use and catered to your users’ needs.  

We can include templates for every type of request you regularly receive. Posters, social media posts, banners, business cards and invitations are just some of our common templates.

An example of an on-brand template for Mencap, built in RightMarket

We also build these templates, so you don’t have to. They’ll keep everything that needs to be pinned down, so users just need to make a few edits.

Within mere minutes, they’ve created an on-brand design that fits their needs.

User freedom, without straying from brand

RightMarket’s templates give people enough freedom to make assets that fulfil their purpose. But it also controls them enough to protect brand.

For example, templates can have different layout variations for users to choose from. Similarly, users can choose to include the images they like and place them in designated spaces within the template.

A Caremark social post being changed from an Instagram layout to a Facebook layout

They can also input free text, restrained to set fields within the design, or be given a list of wording to choose from that match your brand’s key messages.

And what if they decide halfway through that a different layout or image would look better? They don’t need to start from scratch – they just need to make the necessary amends and the rest of the design will update automatically.

It means every user can create a design that fits their creative vision, while staying on-brand.

Copy fit text

Imagine creating a great design… only to find out the text doesn’t fit. In most cases, you’ve either got to remove something or select a ridiculously small font. It usually leads to a time-consuming and frustrating process.

RightMarket’s templates use copy fit. As people enter more text, the rest of the design responds so it always looks good and legible.

Example of a user entering text into a design, which is then resized to fit

You can even add QR codes without ruining the design. It makes it even easier to create fit-for-purpose artwork that include the information you need and look good.

Pre-approved image libraries

As the famous saying goes ‘a picture speaks a thousand words’. Unsurprisingly, the images your brand uses matters. You want to make sure they fit your values and the connections you want to build with your audience.

In RightMarket, you can build a library full of pre-approved images. Not only does it mean your users stay on-brand, it saves them time searching.

If you do want to give users a bit more freedom, they can still have the option to upload their own images.

Output options for every need

Once someone has perfected their design, it’s time to put it out into the world. But designs might need to come in all kinds of formats and sizes.

RightMarket allows users to download designs in a variety of formats depending on what they need. From PDF and PNGs, to A4 and A5 documents, they can get what they need.

Output options shown in a RightMarket design

Users can also send designs directly to your chosen printer from RightMarket for added convenience.

Plus, approval workflows can be set up to give you a final review of any designs before they go live. It’ll give you peace of mind that everything meets your brand standards.

Turn your colleagues into brand designers today

When you’ve spent time building a strong brand, every should use it correctly. RightMarket makes it easy for everyone in your organisation to do so, complimenting the hard work of your graphic designers.

You don’t need to waste time training staff across your organisation or overwhelm your design team with requests. Anyone, regardless of their role or experience, can become brand designers and quickly create the assets they need.

Even those small, often overlooked jobs can be turned into well-designed output that connect with your customers. All while keeping your central brand protected from inconsistencies and mistakes.

Book a demo today

To find out how we can make brand design accessible for your whole organisation.